Resist The Thought

Resurrect The Reaper

Resist The Thought

Forever I walk this darkened, wretched path, to create my own false reality,
Consider me gone, banished from society no more than four years ago, and I regret nothing.

For they are the brainwashed succumbed to be self loathing slaves, they're ignorant to ideals
I speak of, I teach of, I preach of, I live by, an eternity of torment could never entice me to trade.

The years I've forsaken them, a miserable, inhuman race
I refuse to be like one of them, like one of you, the comatose, the mass produced, the lost souls marching in unison to their graves.

Fuck the idea of fate, its pathetic,
I'll create my own destiny, I'll never stop until I achieve global domination.

A lost creation

Resurrect the reaper, clear these fucking clones, bare witness to the bloodshed brewing in my bones,
I'll mutilate machines, slit their fucking throats, society is doomed

Eradicate entity, send them all to hell, feel the fucking force that you have let prevail, I am now your prophet, I am now your god

I will ensure the downfall of the world,
Speak these words unspoken,
Such an ugly reality, this existence is false

I hold the key to salvation,
To reality, a lost creation
This false existence crushing down on me

I hold the key to salvation
I speak these words, unspoken
A lost creation, ensuring the downfall of the world.

A lost creation, speak these words unspoken, a lost creation, I will ensure the downfall of the world