Resident Evil

Alexia's Song

Resident Evil

There was a friendly but naive King
Who wed a very nasty Queen
The King was loved but The Queen was feared
Till one day strollin, in his court
An arrow pierced the kind king's heart
He lost his life and
His lady love

She had a secret kept from the King who ruled the kingdom As her own
The King knew not
His bride seemed as good as gold
Till one day strolling, in his court
An arrow pierced the kind King's heart
He lost his life and
His lady love

Havia um rei amigável, porém ingênuo
Que se casou com uma rainha muito malvada
O rei era amado, mas
A rainha era temida

Até que um dia, passeando por sua corte
Uma flecha atingiu o coração do rei bondoso
Ele perdeu sua vida e
O amor de sua dama