Strike - kill This is the the will to kill Initial - assessing factors in pain The outcome now becomes clear The challenge - limiting the cost Calculating the loss Offensive - plan of attack Defines the source not the size Positioning - tactics are set Until we advance, for the strife Strike first kill fast reclaim the throne Ahead into the killing zone Mission complete for victory Fulfilling our destiny Strike first kill fast reclaim the throne Ahead into the killing zone Mission complete for victory Fulfilling our destiny The art of war Enemies are outscored Vicious deception at hand No mercy will be grant Strike first kill fast reclaim the throne Ahead into the killing zone Mission complete for victory Fulfilling our destiny The art of war Enemies are outscored Vicious deception at hand No mercy will be grant Onwards - attack Directing - controlling the force Achieving the goals once more Illusions - hiding orders beneath Overrun and strike at the weak Engaging the force - endangered by direct conflict Defeat the opponent and the loss will inflict Mocking - observing the rival No chance for their survival Conjuncture - accessible ground Invading onward inbound Variation of tactics trussing all energy Expecting the onslaught use all your abilities Fight fire with fire - force of the flame Cultivating advantage - trophy obtained One last advance Vicious deception at hand Union prevails The defeat is unveiled