Weapons, armours, bringers of death Awaiting the final command Roaming, searching the fields of blood Fortune lies in everyones hand Fighting, dying, on roads of war Blood and Iron that settles the score Surviving and telling a bloody story Paying your price, no guts, no glory No glory... Vikings, berserkers from the north Romans, huns murdered for sports Spartans, indians weapons now rust Right or wrong no one judges Honour, pride, death and glory Airraid, groundforce roars and fury Marching the fields on and on Men never learns til mankinds gone When ashes rain, power men gain Death in our hand, innocent lands Tanks, killing tech, to rape mankind Only death we'll find When ashes rain, glory troops gain Life in your hand, to battle they went Killed in field without firing a shot Only death we'll find When ashes rain, power men gain Death in our hand, innocent lands Tanks, killing tech, to rape mankind Only death we'll find When ashes rain, glory troops gain Life in your hand, to battle they went Killed in field without firing a shot Only death we'll find War for mercenaries Score the bodies buried Coffins sealed with blood Afterworld filled with guts Setting the score...