They are the premier killing league Denial of justice for the weak Their greed for power out of control The final curtain the end unfolds (They) don't care about human rights Deciding about peoples life Command in order to control Barbaric dictators and warlords It doesn't matter how they are called Ruling for ages in the unprivileged world Oppressing the masses and freedom of thought Conscience opinion and the right to talk Premier killing league... Controlling media, press and TV The right to live and equality Some of them got their righteous sentence Rulers struck by people's vengeance Premier killing league... Responsible for a million deaths Taking people's last breath Spreading fear through civil war No justice before the controlled law Receiving weapons from the west First world factories do their best Selling tanks and deadly guns Account enrichement keep wars run When will it come to an end Ages of misery for many lands The reason for this inhumanity Is inside worlds economic policy Premier killing league... Premier killing league... Premier killing league...