Maestro: Everybody, everybody! (get down, get down now) S-s-sstand up! (Don't be shy) People, people, people, (get up, get up, get up) Everybody, everybody (Testify) Everybody! Get down, get down now S-s-s-stand up, don't be shy! People, people, people Get up, get up, get up, Everybody Testify! Man 1: GeneCo helped me upgrade my second-class heredity! Maestro: Testify! Woman 1: My liver was wrecked, but now I can drink whatever I want! Maestro: Testify! Man 2: Before GeneCo, my anatomy was completely repressed! Maestro: State your names! Geneterns: Geneterns... Maestro: S-s-s-s-s-saved! Everybody, everybody, Get down, get down now S-s-s-stand up, don't be shy! People, people, people, Get up, get up, get up, Everybody, everybody, Tes. Ti. Fy! Woman 2: I needed a kidney transplant desperately GeneCo showed this single mom sympathy This makeover came for a small added fee Now I look smashing on live TV! Back: You know you want it, baby! GeneCo's got it! You know you want it baby! GeneCo's got it! You know you want it baby! GeneCo's got it! You know you want it baby! Testify! Testify! Testify! Testify! Testify!