Chorus: A needle into a bug... A needle into a bug... A needle... Graverobber: Who--who's there?! stay back! Shilo: Um, do you have my cure? Graverobber: Kid? is that you? Shilo: I'm here to earn my cure. Graverobber: Your cure? is that what this is about?! Sorry, that fucking amber Cleaned me out. But maybe later. I'll hook you up later. Just help me down. Shilo: The drug...? Graverobber: Yeah, the drug. Shilo: Yeah... Graverobber: Your cure, it's-- Shilo: The drug! Graverobber: Help me down. Shilo: Help me... Graverobber: I'll score some. Shilo: ...shed some... Graverobber: Kid, i'm out. Shilo: Some... Graverobber: I told you. Shilo: Light on... Graverobber: That's the situ- Shilo: ...the situation. Graverobber: The situation-- Chorus: A needle into a bug... A needle into a bug... A needle into a bug... A needle into a bug... Shilo: How 'bout her? She's right beside you? No, i mean her zytrate. no, It's like a night-light. Graverobber: Yeah...? She's right beside me, so? I'm out of zytrate. Oh, it's like a night-light. Graverobber: You're beautiful! it's easy. Shilo: You don't mean...? Graverobber: Yeah. Shilo: For me to--? Graverobber: So, easy-- Shilo: I don't think... Graverobber: Don't think. Shilo: ...that i could- Graverobber: Just smack it! Shilo: I guess that she... Graverobber: She won't. Shilo: ...won't feel it- Graverobber: You've got to smack it... Graverobber: Into her skull! Shilo: Inside her skull. Graverobber and shilo: A needle into a bug! A needle into a bug! A needle into a bug! A needle into a bug!