Nuje ca perdimmo 'a pace e 'o suonno nun ce dicimmo maje pecché? Vocche ca vase nun ne vonno nun só 'sti vvocche oje né'! Pure te chiammo e nun rispunne pe' fá dispietto a me How wonderful to know you really love me How wonderful to know you really care How beautiful to feel my arms around you kissing your eyes hearing your sighs touch your hair. How wonderful to know sunshine and laughter that fills my empty heart with love divine To share this life with you now and hereafter How wonderful to know that you are mine Stu desiderio 'e te mme fa paura campá cu te sempe cu te pe' nun murí! How wonderful to know sunshine and laughter that fills my empty heart with love divine To share this life with you now and hereafter How wonderful to know that you are mine Si smanie pure tu pe' chist' ammore tenímmoce accussí ánema e core!