Six characters cast Searching for an author who has passed Hoping they will find an answer to their mind That keeps cover like a guard in the night Burning castle in the night Corridors filled with light The fire in her arms taking hold Little lamb, where have you been? It's alright when the morning comes I'll find it It's alright when the morning comes I'll find it Through the back, out the yard, little dog's breathing hard Looking 'round for the bone he remembers From the early days of living with the sharks In the dark, there's a hint, hint Yellow tеacups at night Drinking up the mirrorings of spite The couplе carries on, always singing their own song Playing games in the bath while the orchestra goes on And Bermuda's waiting there with triangles in her hair For her own sacrificial lamb It's alright when the morning comes I'll find it It's alright when the morning comes I'll find it It's alright when the morning comes I'll find it