Renan Jackson

Stop Draggin' Myself Around

Renan Jackson

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

Never did drugs in my life
I almost did not go out, I'm not in fad
Never had sex too young to be
Nor ever smoked a fag

But that does not mean I'm nice
I primes many times per night

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

I've blew the bathroom at my school
I've Poisoned the coffe of my aunt
I've stolen half a million dollars
Call me a rascal is not an taunt

So I say I'm a thief near
I kill living beings for one thousand years

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

I kill almost every school day
Have I shot my teacher
I'm not a nerd, I'm evil
Already put my dick in a preacher

Have you put songs tortured by Justin Bieber
In your face as I put a pie

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging My
Stop Dragging Myself Around

Stop Dragging Myself Around
Stop Dragging Myself Around
Stop Dragging Myself Around

Stop Dragging Myself Around
Stop Dragging Myself Around
Stop Dragging Myself Around