Oh you build us like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling Oh you build us like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling You build us up Just to knock us back down Funny how you act surprise When we hit the ground We're like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling So bleed me of all my self belief My smile shows all my insecuri-teeth In a kingdom of photoshoped Kings and queens We'll Never feel happy with ourselves But insecurity sells Dominoes, dominoes, dominoes falling Oh you build us like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling You build us up Just to knock us back down Funny how you act surprise When we hit the ground We're like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling I hide my head under the sheets Cause how can I face a world That ridicules the weak Where beauty is sold on the shelves Forbid that we find it in ourselves And now I'm broke It don't come cheap (Oh you build us like) dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling Oh you build us like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling You build us up Just to knock us back down Funny how you act surprise When we hit the ground We're like dominoes Dominoes, dominoes falling Ariah was the most beautiful girl in the world She shined like diamonds and rubies, and pearls But then... As soon as she turned 13 She forgot just how bright that it was that she gleamed Stuck in a material world of magazines That glamorize the fake and photoshopped beauty queens Top 10 beauty tips making her feel inadequate For the first time in her life she felt ugly So Ariah stopped eating to loose weight She spent her dinner money on some make up for her face But no matter how must she lost Or how much she bought She was never good enough Or so she thought Ariah felt she could never be loved She started cutting her wrists and hiding the scars with gloves At 16 an anorexic beauty queen She collapses in a puddle or her tears and blood Cause she never felt enough She never felt enough You sell us all this lie that we must buy to keep in touch But we can never buy enough Never buy enough All the riches in the world can't buy a sense of self love Funny how you act surprised when depression levels rise When you force feed inadequacy straight into our eyes Television shows that praise the beautiful people And talent competitions that just laugh at the feeble Billboards, magazines People turned to plastacine Molded like a factory We're growing up to fear feeling ugly it's lunacy A knife in the community Because insecurity breeds judgement Judgement breeds hate no unity And hierarchy based upon aesthetics Is what makes a kid in school get bullied for genetics And I felt so ugly growing up The way that I looked sometimes got me beaten up I mean what the fuck Sort of culture do we live in When we're defined by the shape of our face When we're ashamed by size of our waist When we're imprisoned by the form that we take And so we keep buying and spending That's just how this story goes You build us up Just to knock us back down And we just keep falling Like dominoes