Ren And Stimpy

Fire Dogs

Ren And Stimpy

Watch out man, here come those

REN: Your troubles are over, it is we who are your Firedogs!
STIMPY: Eh, but Ren, I'm a cat!
REN: Shut up you fool! He's a good man but he's not quite right in the head.
FIRECHIEF: Well, boys, you got yourselves a job, but you're gonna work!

Watch out man, here come them Firedogs
Watch out man, here come them Firedogs

REN: Relax man. Do you know what the odds are of there ever being a fire?
A million to one. Aaaaaahhh!!
STIMPY: Oh joy!!

They're the hottest dogs in town
Things cool off when they're around
Gonna hose it down tonight
So old man Fire take a hike


Save my baby
Save my elephant
Save me, oh my brave little man

Watch out man, here come them Fire...
Watch out man, here come them Fire...
Here come Firedogs
Watch out man!!!

STIMPY: I'm so happy I can hardly contain myself.