Have you transcended, can you deceive perceive in vain Can you decipher You drag my name through mud and rain The falsifier advocates, but I remain, I am the weight of the waves Blame my name, still suffer in secrecy Stake your claim but still hold a higher calling When will civility become new standard Have we been robbed of the truth Blame my name, stake your claim Choke my voice, let me leave Your mind has altered imagery that's fighting fate's proclivity The masses gagged on infamy, I am the weight of the waves You can't face the waves You can't bare the weight So tell me honestly, listen for the harboring Failure to succeed (I am the weight of the) In searching found a nameless king on the throne By falling down a hole nobody else knows Step back in the dark and see the torturer Step back from the light and take your hands off the ground Take off your crown, leave man to drown You can't face the waves You can't bare the weight So tell me honestly, listen for the harboring Failure to succeed (I am the weight of the) Take off your crown, leave man to drown