
Tempest Of Torment


You are running towards feeble pleasures 
Caught in this cage called life 
Nothing to do, noone to blame 
Everyday more or less the same 

Seeking the greatest mystery of all 
The salvation without restrictions 
I see you in your squalid cage 
Cut and twisted into beautiful agonies 

My Flesh lies bare, thousands of nerves pushed to their limits 
My skinless bones crack, I have found My Hell 

The hooks of seek holds you into place 
Never to feel the real sensation of pain 
Only your mind can open your cage 
To my carnival of acheing appetite 

I embrace the suffering - Tempest of Torment 
The ignorant world have not yet felt the pain< 
Souls collected to my exquisite hell 

My Flesh lies bare, thousands of nerves pushed to their limits 
My skinless bones crack, I have found My Hell 

My Hell...!!!