Don't you Hear the cries of the voiceless, the nameless Thou shalt not kill As they are brutally pushed along The bloody funnel To be humanely slaughtered and dismembered Did God give you the right? Don't you read your scriptures? Evil is bound on the principles of hate and despair Thou shalt not kill It's written in blood on these walls History show us that awareness leads To transformation A powerful transition is happening right now We breathe the same air It is our only live Did God give you the right? Don't you read your scriptures? Evil is bound on the principles of hate and despair Thou shalt not kill It's written in blood on these walls Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not kill Did God give you the right? Don't you read your scriptures? Evil is bound on the principles of hate and despair Thou shalt not kill It's written in blood on these walls Evil is bound on the principles of hate and despair Thou shalt not kill It's written in blood on these walls