
Spirits Lives On


Standing before me a law of desire
No one wants to die tonight
This is our final solucion to face, will help come?
I have been told there's a shit on the way
When they arrive all this will be gone
Can you hear us when we're calling for help?

All the lifeboats are almost gone
Only one left, run to the side
See if there's somebody who understands

We go down, we pray for help
But no one answers
Fathers cry, there's no more room in the boat
Stand in line, you wait for true salvation to arrive
To you when you feel all hope is gone
We would sail for a world, but caught in the
Middle of tragic events

Carry on, we'll always carry on
Always 'til the end you know we always carry on
Carry on my friend 'til the end
When all life here seems to be damned
Wish for angels love to be send, but we carry on
So we die, but our spirit lives on. angels will see

Trapped in the middle and dragging us down
The suction keeps us away from air
Nobody listens when we scream for help
We are all alone

All the lifeboats have gone away
No one is left, run to the side
See if there's someone who can help you now

We go down, we pray for help
But no one answers
Fathers cry, there's no more room in the boat
Stand in line, you wait for true salvation to arrive
To you when you feel all hope is gone
We would sail for a world, but caught in the
Middle of tragic events

Carry on, we'll always carry on
Always 'til the end you know we always carry on
Carry on my friend 'til the end
When all life here seems to be damned
Wish for angels love to be send, but we carry on
So we die, but our spirit lives on. angels will see

We go down, we pray for help
But no one answers
Fathers cry, there's no more room in the boat
Stand in line, you wait for true salvation to arrive
To you when you feel all hope is gone
We would sail for a world, but caught in the
Middle of tragic events

Carry on, we'll always carry on
Always 'til the end you know we always carry on
Carry on my friend 'til the end
When all life here see