Reign Of Terror

Sado-Sodomite Communion

Reign Of Terror

Search for enlightenment 
Being sought carnivorously 
Taboos broken, just as flesh 
As you work feverishly 
Insanely perverse 
and methodical 
tearing with 

A one man cabal you hope to achieve 
As fist you install unceremoniously 
Blind to the fecal matter 
As it sprays erratically 
Nether regions inhumanely avulsed 
A sound like ripping canvas 

Vulgar and sweet irascible flair 
Raping the meat the vessel is prepared 
Glistening muscle laid bare 
Pelvic flesh and snapping bone 
Vulgar and sweet irascible flair 
Raping the meat the vessel is prepared 

Communion with the angel of the left hand 
Your agony and broken faith 
Builds the bride to the abyss 
Hairy black chitin visage of wolf 
Horns of goat the master is here