Reign Of Terror


Reign Of Terror

REPENT down on your knees 
PRACTICE what you fucking preach 
HYPOCRITE a supposed holy man 
I've had as much as I can stand 
MARTYRISED die for the cause 
EVANGELISED spread the word of the lord 
CONSCIOUSNESS you shall erase 
CORRUPTING in the name of thy grace 

First I crush your spirit 
Then destroy your soul 
Places where your money was 
Is now an empty hole 
Grow rich of insecurities 
Perpetuate the lies 
Pillars of society 
We see through the lies 

Cleanse you of impurities 
Purify your soul 
Drop your mental guard 
Now I take control 
Soon you'll realise 
My law is divine 
I shall teach you how to love 
Or You shall have to die 

Believe in me or die 
I am the way 
To eternal life...