Take a look through the eyes of a flesh and bone war machine Instructed destruction no sorrow, just let it all go Well no morals to speak of And they took all compassion away Stripped down to a meat pawn They told him he was Born to die I have meaning A tool for the rich Born to die Killing's like breathing Oh no Born to die, dying to live Take a look at a man who's willing to die for his god The death of his family has given him nothing to lose Yeah Well no morals to speak of And they took all compassion away Stripped down to a meat pawn They told him he was Born to die I have meaning A tool for the rich Born to die Killing's like breathing Oh no Born to die I have meaning A tool for the rich Born to die Killing's like breathing Oh no Born to die, dying to live Die, die die Die, i have you in my sights Die, i am born from pain Die, i owe war my life Die, i will die for you Born to die I have meaning A tool for the rich Born to die Killing's like breathing Oh no Born to die I have meaning A tool for the rich Born to die Killing's like breathing Oh no Born to die, dying to live