Had a visit with a spirit Thought I saw an apparition, is this 20/20 vision? Premonitions Some would call it superstition, some would call it a religion Something hidden Maybe this is just a different metaphysical connection To dimensions, mm You're crystallizing out of thin air And there is nothing I can do but to stare My body's frozen, but it's not 'cause I'm scared Your fluorescence soaking up the room Talking to you No, I'm not frightened by you Talking to you No, I'm not frightened by you (I'm not afraid of you) What if all the pain is perennial? I don't wanna lay in a burial (don't wanna lay in a burial) Take me to a plane that's ethereal I would rather be immaterial (ethereal) Listen to a song on the stereo (immaterial) They say we're alive, are we really though? (on the stereo) Put a smile on for the video (are we really though?) Is this what it's like to be pretty though?