rehtaF ruO

Child Sacrifice

rehtaF ruO

Dying moonlight framed upon dark walls 
Throughout this black home the silence is deafening 
None can hear what echoes from within 
But I can hear the endless screaming 
Behind the locked door 
Necrophiliac violation... 
A single room shelters dormant evil 
Within this unsuspecting house a monster is born 
The bodies of fresh children are dismembered here 
The crimson flesh so sweet to a soul so dark 
Overwhelming screaming is unbearable silence to those outside 
Walls red with blood as children are eaten 
Behind this door pure butchery awaits 
Mutilation, torture and pedophile murder sanctuary 
To those outside it is a simple construction of wood 
But those inside know what is truly in store... 
Behind the locked door