I am the wrath and I am the sword, That in blood raise it in the infernal war. By the glory of his name, by repulsion of kindness by the wrath of demons, by the glory of Lucifer! I am the darkness song that deafen the Christians souls And I am the lance that form a sea of empalation. By the force that guide me, by the pleasure of see you dying by the pleasure of kill, by the light of Lucifer. I am the destruction of the last hope, I am the rape of the holy ingenuous. I am the death... That is carried to that march in submission. I am the hammer that broke your truth, And I am the truth that is hidden of you. I am the justice that is impose to your hypocrisy, I am the hypocrisy that slave you in your ignorance. I am the journey that never will end, and I am the end of your mediocre life. When you see that you march to abyss the betray only will be in the begin! When you stay alone against legions the fear don?t will save you! When you feel repent of stay live you will see that I am the key to your eternal torment!!! The wrath domain the pain, The war satisfy the hate When you fall I shall be the ax that broke you raise!