I was standing in the long branch he came through the swinging doors He caught my eye and smiled and shuffled across the barroom floor He said I see you’re from texas partner I’m from texas too Would you buy a man a whiskey I’m a puncher just like you I came up the trail with slaughter in the spring of ‘83 Lots of men has made the trip but no one more than me I had myself a sweetheart she begged me not to leave But I love the smell of trail dust and a horse between my knees She’s a pretty nester’s daughter and her hair is flaming red Her voice will captivate your heart her beauty turns your head She’s gentle as a kitten when she snuggles up to you Her skin is soft as goose-down and her eyes bluebonnet blue I thought someday I might go back but every time I try I find another hill to climb another trail to ride There were times I had the money could-a bought a little spread Could-a given her what she wanted I went up the trail instead I squandered all my money on booze and fancy dames Till the whiskey dulled my senses hardly even know my name I can’t go back to texas I’m afraid she didn’t wait If I saw her with another all my love would turn to hate