Full of ideals and rough energy This young passion returned undisclosed But it was ridiculous derided The other day came way to soon Didn't leave the house opting for more sleep Goals had to be settled So time passed by but there was no approach to win this battle ....for the first time Nothing can be loved or hated unless it's first understood That's not a delivered key-note address and no after dinner speech.. So do you feel it? The way we are treated? See all your doubters becoming friends And Time goes by... Like all these confused kids we've learnt our lesson to block out difficult emotions The other day came way to soon Didn't leave the house opting for more sleep New Set Backs, New Steps back, No Regards, just to be against: But we have little more to say Jump off your soap box And one day we all begin to understand? So do you feel it? The way we are treated And all these doubters become your friend! And all these critics will join your thought!