Reverend swanson heard the call To serve the poor in korea His days and nights to foster the people And ease the strife of poverty throughout the world It's what he gave his life for... We stand for love, we stand for life With faith worth more than gold To show the light and love of christ Great is our reward worth far more than silver and gold More than silver and gold... More than silver and gold Maggie gobran finds her home Where cairo eygpt's meek will roam She feeds the lame and lives with the suffering To meet the needs of children unloved and ignored It's what she gives her life for We stand for love, we stand for life With faith worth more than gold To show the light and love of christ Great is our reward worth far more than silver and gold More than silver and gold... More than silver and gold So let our love and charity Bring life to the poor and those in need We'll catch each other when we fall And give our hearts to Jesus call To open our hands to the needy Like Jesus did for you and me Great will be our reward Worth far more than silver and gold We stand for love, we stand for life With faith worth more than gold To show the light and love of christ Great is our reward worth far more than silver and gold More than silver and gold... More than silver and gold