Red Knife Lottery

The Magnificent Ghost

Red Knife Lottery

And she let the boy in. The bloodletting begin. 
And he sucked her veins dry for that white powdered high. And they buried her bones. 
And they wrote on the stone "broken was she. 
She died for thee" Now she dances on air. 
Absent of breath. 
Content with death. 
With her kohl eyed stare. 
Stairs are creaking. 
Her ghost is sneaking out past curfew. 
From his bones he feels a change. 
The thermostat's intact and this boy wants to retract his contracts "oh to have her back" Now this ghost laughs at her love of the past. 
"I'll bet you die last" And the boy had a love affair with Lady Death. 
Dressed in black and as loving a heart attack. 
And his love for Lady was unending. 
There was no point in pretending. 
She knew their rendezvous would soon pursue. 
And the boy left the girl and only her frame remained. 
And he ran to Lady's door screaming "I can't take this anymore" When Lady Death denied to boy ran to the girls grave and cried "my savior rise. And as much as the girl dreamed to stay alive she could not be revived. 
In retrospect this specter of light Slave to the night. Drips with a shine painted by the Divine. While the boy found salvation in suicide. 
The girl found a savior more dignified.