Lead us all, towards an early grave Tear us apart and murder in god's name Forget our face, the slave to your own death campaign Forget ourselves, we're silenced in dismay' Rise up! We have to take charge They'll lead us to torment, nail us to the ground! Feed their ego then cut them unaware They've raped us and burned us destroyed us in our hordes Told us we're nothing, nothlng but damn fools Destroyed us in our name and fed us to the wolves Lead us all, into a burning lethal refuge Tear us apart and bury us in shallow graves Forget our names, today it seems our blood is stained Forget our pain, and wash away our war with rain Feed their ego then cut them unaware. Down! We're off to find solitude as hope's almost gone... Insane! Hör hur folket kallar oss, finn oss var styrka Lead us to the sea The ships give us power to reach victory Lead us to the sea After thousands of years we wait eagerly They deconstruct the enemy And construct walls of cities The undead of history Will live forever in memories Och när de är borta komhier vi att sakna dem Vi kommer att hitta ett annat sätt att känna lycksalighet Bortorn mörkret som vaktar oss Om jag ändrar färg sä förblir jag fridfull To feel strong unleash the beast The race of mercenaries Now at rest they will be missed They found glory riding through the mist Heart and soul, and through unknown A loyal servant rides his Pegasus