Tell me that I'm wrong, butch, I’ll spit in your fuckin' face (hey, hey, hey, hey) Dying off a pill 'cause all my fuckin’ drugs are laced (hey, hey, hey, hey) Let's get fucked up, fucked up, numbed up, hey (hey, hey, hey, hey) Let's get fucked up, fucked up, numbed up, numb Coke up on my knife, baby, do you want a line? Do you want a line? Baby, do you want a line? Too fucked up, I can't tell my left and right Yeah, my left and right, yeah-y-y-yeah, my left and right Bloody razor Cut me deeper Tell me that I'm wrong, butch, I'll spit in your fuckin' face (hey, hey, hey, hey) Dying off a pill 'cause all my fuckin’ drugs are laced (hey, hey, hey, hey) Tell me that I'm wrong, butch, I'll spit in your fuckin’ face (hey, hey, hey, hey) Dying off a pill 'cause all my fuckin' drugs are laced (hey, hey, hey, hey) Let's get fucked up, fucked up, numbed up, hey (hey, hey, hey, hey) Let’s get fucked up, fucked up, numbed up, numb