Lay Your Body Down Upon the Midnight Snow, Feel the Cold of Winter in Your Hair Here in a World of Your Own, In a Casing That's Grown To a Children's Delight That Arrived Overnight. And Here They Come to Play Their Magic Games Carving Names Upon Your Frozen Hand. Here in a World of Your Own, Like a Sleeper Whose Eyes Sees the Pain With Surprise As It Smothers Your Cries They'll Never Never Know. Hey There's a Snowman Hey, Hey What a Snowman Pray For the Snowman Ooh, Ooh What a Snowman They Say a Snow Year's a Good Year Filled With the Love of All Who Lie So Deep. Smiling Faces Tear Your Body to the Ground Covered Red That Only We Can See. Here in a Ball That They Made From the Snow On the Ground, See It Rolling Away With Wild Eyes to the Sky They'll Never, Never Know. Hey There's a Snowman Hey What a Snowman Pray For the Snowman Ooh, Ooh What a Snowman They Say a Snow Year's a Good Year Filled With the Love of All Who Lie So Deep. Hey There Goes the Snowman Hey There What a Snowman Hey There Lies the Snowman Hey He Was a Snowman They Say a Snow Year's a Good Year Filled With the Love of All Who Lie So Deep.