(You have become the annihilator! Annihilate!) Beware my friends, you're now the masters Of your own mortality You ask why while spending time Purchasing fatality The streets will fissure spewing hell Death will dance and ring its bells Its time to end this pain for pleasure That you so adore What the fuck could slobs like you achieve? It almost seems like there is nothing left If you could even hesitate You would truly seal our fate? What the fuck could slobs like you achieve? (You have become the annihilator!) You will pay the final cost (You have become the annihilator!) At your hands all life is lost (You have become the annihilator!) As we're devoured by exhaust (You have become the annihilator! Annihilate!) The waves will crash it won't be pretty So grab your board and surf your city You'll never learn your fucking lesson Await the end and count your blessings What the fuck could slobs like you achieve? It almost seems like there is nothing left If you could even hesitate You would truly seal our fate? What the fuck could slobs like you achieve? (You have become the annihilator!) You will pay the final cost (You have become the annihilator!) At your hands all life is lost (You have become the annihilator!) As we're devoured by exhaust (You have become the annihilator!)