Hey hey I fought the law must be out of my mind. Delivered the goods on the wrong side of town You will pay with your life. Hey hey you won this time but I'm gonna creep up on you, Keep your back against the wall I got my eyes on you. Bastard living outside of the law Bastard you always want more Hey hey have you heard the news just got out today. Won't be long cause I wrote this song, got some money saved. Hey hey I paid my debts the word is on the street, Don't know what I do when I see you again, I dreamt of a sweet revenge. Bastard living outside of the law Bastard you always want more Living outside of the law you always want more Hey hey you better watch out life is about to run out, Take a listening to the voice in your head when you stuck and can't get out. Hey hey I paid my debts just got out today. Don't know what I do when I see you again, I dreamt of a sweet revenge