There goes my future and all my beliefs, For all that has happened to me. Where can you run when there's no place to hide, And you know you have picked the wrong side. I see no stars in the sky the war has begun. Bankers, lawyers we know you are thieves, the dregs of the earth cuttle under the sheets. The time has come for all of us to see, if someone is out there? Come on release me, come on in set me free Come on release me. Come on. Don't let this be He, he the tyrant said you got nothing in your head, I was blinded by the lies that he told. I was captured by a man who was already dead I said please won't ya release my soul. The time has come for us to see who's the leader of the hierarchy. How much longer can this tyrant stay? Bankers, lawyers get out of the way! The holy war how long will it be If someone is out there? Come on release me, come on in set me free Come on release me. Come on. Don't let this be