Tenfold the dead outnumber the living Will hindsight mark our time The dark end or beginning The hands of doom Will strike the midnight hour soon The sands of time will reap the whirlwind I am the destroyer, the sword of Damocles I hang above you for all to see I am the poison that fills the air you breathe This day of wrath I am the slaughter of diversity The rotting flesh of the deceased I am the burning book that you are yet to read This day of wrath the world shall burn You cannot defeat me for we are twin I rule the mindless mob, exhort the fringe Each step forward a step toward your death Survival is a two horse race But who will take the bets This day, this day of wrath Will consume the world in ashes Now your special status has been denied Only so many shall live as have already died I am the destroyer my armaments are three Starvation, terror and disease I am not bound by borders I can strike across the sea This day of wrath I am the proselytizer devoid of sanity I would the world be slaughtered for my belief On pain of bloody torture bow to my authority This day of wrath the world shall burn You cannot escape me for I am within I surround you I hem you in I am the destroyer I can no longer be withheld The growing madness consumes the world Infest the seats of power the prophecy fulfilled This day of wrath I am the conflagration That wrests the day from night Obscure the constellations with blinding light A final termination will purge the world of life This day of wrath the world shall burn The all-consuming fire will scorch the earth But in your scattered ashes seeds of rebirth