And when I see the si-ign It points one way-ay-ay-ay The life we used to lea-ead Everyday-ay-ay Just walk away Renee-ee You won't see me follow you back home The empty sidewalks on my block They're not the sa-a-ame You're not to bla-ame From deep inside the tear-ears I'm forced to cry-y-y-y From deep inside the pai-ain I chose to hi-i-ide Just walk away Renee-ee You won't see me follow you ba-ack home Now as the rain beats dow-own Upon my weary eye-eye-eyes For me I cry-y-y Your name and mine insi-i-i-ide A heart on a wa-a-a-all Still finds a way to haunt me Oh, they're so small... Just walk away Renee-ee You won't see me follow you back home The empty sidewalks on my block They're not the sa-a-ame You're not to bla-ame Just walk away Renee You won't see me follow you back ho-ome Now as the rain beats down Upon my weary eye-eye-eyes For me I cry-y (Just walk away Renee) Walk away-ay (Just walk away Renee) I won't follow you-ou, no-o-o-o (Just walk away Renee) I won't follow you-ou, gonna walk away (Just walk away Renee) Woh-oh-oh-oh, just walk... away (Just walk away Renee) I'm gonna walk away