Ravished Flesh

Halo! Hell

Ravished Flesh

Mutual heart. pity price high.
Mutual heart.
Fermentation festival
Celebration reek.
Mutual life. no maritime pascis.
The gospel laugh
At disrupted god.
Mutual life. nexus mother.
Monkey mad.
I think you can stop pretend.
And the secrets travel
So far this days.
The smile of your eyes
Falls upon mine. too innocent i.
Mutual life. idiomatic quest -
Wagon of life is too small.
Priceless is peak.
Permanent pentecost.
Donor of mean life.
Slayer of mutual life.
We' ll creep. together mumified.
Old hell can wait for us.
Crime of crony crucifixion.
Cold god comatose.
Babylon is near.
Mutual life.
Mutual fear