(Ohhhh) (Hmmmm) (Ohhh, Ohhhh) (Ohhh, Ohhhh) (Ohhh, Ohhhh) A child so fragile tryin' to make a way through Told to work hard and all her dreams will come true Closed hearts and closed minds ignorance runs through their veins all concerned with what's at stake (Hmmm) We share this world always looking for a truth talking peaceful but what they say's not what they do We try to hide the pain that makes us devide We shall, we shall overcome (Ooooooooh) CHORUS We'll have the love that makes us stronger (stronger) we'll have the peace that sets us free (It'll set you free) soon will come a time (soon come a time) where everyone will rise up (Ooooh) and we all will be released from Gravity (Oh, Oh) This child still hopeful turns the other sheet and sometimes it gets hard holding on to what she believes but their time will come when everyone will finally see there's no need for suffering CHORUS We'll have the love (we'll have the love) that makes us stronger (oh) we'll have the peace (we'll have the peace) that sets us free (yeah) soon will come a time (soon will come a time) where everyone will rise up and we all will be released from Gravity (Ohh) We are the same inside, so look into my eyes Let's put away our fears just for one night Exceptance is the way it's in both you and me let's try to work together now (noooooow) CHORUS We'll have the love that makes us stronger we'll have the peace that sets us free soon will come a time (soon come a time) where everyone will rise up and we all will be released from Gravity (will be released, oh) We'll have the love that makes us stronger we'll have the peace that sets us free soon will come a time (Ohhhhh) (hmmmmmmm) (oohh, ohhh) (ohhh, ohhh) (ohhh, ohhh) Uma criança tão frágil tenta fazer um caminho, através de trabalho duro,e todos os seus sonhos irão se realizar Fechando o coração e mentes tambem fechadas Ignorancia é executada atraves de suas veias Todos os interessados estão no jogo (hmmmm) Estamos nesse mundo, sempre á procura de uma verdade Falando em politica, o que eles dizem não é o que fazem Nós tentamos esconder a dor que nos faz dividir Vamos vamos vencer (ooooooh) (Refrão) Iremos ter um amor que nos torna mais fortes (mais fortes) Vamos ter a paz que nos liberta ( eles vão nos libertar) Em breve vira uma vez (uma vez) Onde todos irão lá pra cima (ooooh) E todos nós vamos estar livres e sentir a gravidade (oh, oh) Esta criança ainda esperançosa transforma a outra folha e por muitas vezes se torna dificil A exploração para o que ela acredita Mais sua hora chegará quando toda essa gente ver que finalmente não há nessecidade de tanto sofrimento (Refrão 2x )