Rave the Reqviem

Crack The Sky

Rave the Reqviem

I blackovt
Please drop the smile
Show yovr fangs and yovr trve intentions

Cvt the crap and spit ovt the poison
Withovt vagve insinvations

Yov've got something to say
Then say it to my face
I know that yov hate me
Bvt I think that I can live with that

Last man standing
The last resort
I rather walk alone and save myself
Vntil the day that I die

A lot of nothing
And we are stvck here
In this damn bitter misery

Too late to save vs now
Save yov from yovrself

A lot of nothing
To take vs throvgh the hell we're in

Let this be ovr goodbye
Crack the sky and see the light

I blackovt
By every cvrse yov spit
Like a toxic air pollvtion

Jibber jabber
Speaking in tongves
Another rock-bottom sensation