A tragic demonstration Of brazen insubordination By indigenous insurgents, belligerents, degenerates Imagine my bewilderment at the conspicuous dismemberment Of all that i had believed At how we had all been deceived (It was short, sharp, sudden, surprising Short, sharp...) It was unfathomable catastrophe There were things no one should ever see Arrests were made arbitrarily Evacuations made mandatory Indefinite detentions, insolvable killings Weeks and weeks of agonizing raids Relentless, unexplained physical attacks (Gout, goiters, plague, anthrax) New and unconventional threats Simultaneously secretive and violent events Oh, what have they done But there's no fun to a draconian crackdown And what will do when they come for you In the draconian crackdown Yes sir, i say no sir, and then Yes sir, i say no sir, then Something's wrong Oh very very wrong here The chaotic nature of the soured atmosphere We have found ourselves participants in the nightmare I took the blame, the hatred, and with certainty I said, "I now declare a state of emergency With immediate effect indefinitely" I looked I plotted And I planned, from here A fearful, vicious, secret no-man's land I looked I plotted And I planned, from here A fearful, vicious, secret no-man's land Oh, what have they done But there's no fun to a draconian crackdown So what will do when they come for you In the draconian crackdown Oh, what will you do In the draconian crackdown Spectacular suicide explosions Of enemies significantly weaker than a year ago And their influence continues to wade