Do unto others, his mama taught Till she got shot in a parking lot By a mad mad man, with a bad bad plan Coming off duty, Afghanistan Easily bought, own weapon of war Like a pack of darts, local corner store My daughter and son both asking for guns Protection daddy! The other grade 1's He sleeps easy, despite the blood on his hands He's a yellow bellied coward with his head in the sand His money is made, little too little I'm afraid This man here only gives to be paid Bang Bang! Bang Bang! Smile like you just got paid Laugh like you just got laid Wouldn't have it any other way I'm a dog on garbage day Garbage day Garbage day The coward with the crowned head Balderdash's all damn day, like the truth is dead He don't lie in his mind, he don't serve the tribe He ain't the fella you wanna go to if you in a bind He's a tanned talking mop, motor mouth won't stop Gifted, he was driven, he was born to cut ribbons He's the at bat, plutocrat, the peoples aristocrat We bought a cat in a sack and now we can't take it back Bang Bang! Bang Bang! Smile like you just got paid Laugh like you just got laid Wouldn't have it any other way I'm a dog on garbage day Garbage day Garbage day A-woo-oo, a-woo-oo, a-woo-oo, oo-oo A-woo-oo, a-woo-oo, a-woo-oo, oo-oo Garbage day Garbage day