
The Old Triangle


A hungry feeling came o'er me stealing
As the mice were squealing in my prison cell

And the old triangle went jingle jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal

To begin the morning a screw was balling
Get up you bowsies and clean out your cells


In the female prison there were sixtytwo-thousand and a half women
And amongst them I wish I did dwell


I pray to Jesus he'd raise the wages
Up from eighty-five pence up to two pound and ten


Um sentimento ávido me vem roubando
Como o rato que guinchava na minha cela

E o velho triângulo vem tilintante chacoalhando
Pelas margens do Canal Real

Ao início da manhã um parafuso era batido
Levantem seus vagabundo e limpem suas celas


Na prisão feminina haviam 62.000 mulheres e meia
E entre elas eu gostaria de residir


Eu rezo para Jesus aumentar o ordenado
De 85 centavos para 2,10 libras
