There Was Light and Atomic Fission Swelling Wind Rising Ash Tide of Black Rain Cement Seared Shawdow Traces Reminiscent of Their Last Commands Instantly One Thousand Flames Arising Ill Scent the Burning Hides Surrounding A Settlement Debased Entirely Enola Gay Had Made a Casual Delivery Please Build a Future, Darling With Our Bomb Cherish and Love It For the Sake of Earth Bound Kingdom Come The Undersides of Fallen Metal Trusses Evil Debris of Human Bodies Each Window's Glass Shards Pelted Secure Confines Brittle Collapse Neighbors Lay Beside Each Other Unknowing Faces Scorched of All Familiar Bearing Too Few Hands Many Wounds For Closing Marred By Thirsting Anguish Fear Lamenting Here We Stand At the Door to Gold Atomic Age Don't Spoil Your Face With Worry Trust in Earth Bound Kingdom Come