Randy Newman

Good Morning

Randy Newman

Good morning 
good morning 
good morning
And a very 
happy birthday to you
Susie sing 
happy birthday to Daddy
Happy birthday to you, 
happy birthday to you
Susie sing 
happy birthday to Daddy
Happy birthday to you
Now Daddy may not spend 
much time with us 
(Fuck off)
But I'm sure 
that he loves you a lot
Susie sing 
happy birthday to Daddy
He's the only daddy 
You've got 
(Fuck off)
Fuck off 
but I'm the song 
that the trees sing 
when the wind blows
Fuck off, but, honey, 
I'm the starlight 
and I'm a rainbow
Susie sing 
happy birthday to Daddy
Happy birthday to you, 
happy birthday to you
Susie sing 
Happy birthday to Daddy
Happy birthday to you