Ramshackle Glory

Your Heart Is A Muscle The Size Of Your Fist

Ramshackle Glory

Tom: D

[Intro] D A Bm G 

     D      A     Bm     G      

D            A                          G 
  Dalia never showed me nothing but kindness
D                       A             G
  She would say: I know how sad you get
     D                               A
  And some days, I still get that way
 A                G
  But it gets better
  It gets better
  It gets better
  A                                    G
  Sweetie, it gets better, I promise you
  And she'd tell me


D                     A                     Bm
  Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
              G                D  
  Keep on loving, keep on fighting
            A            Bm
  And hold on, and hold on
  Hold on for your life

D  A  G

 D              A                      G
  Ian built a cabin in the woods to live in
       D                 A                     G
  For years, terrifying noises kept him up at night

  With a twelve gauge under his pillow
 D                        A                  G
  He’s living in Boston now, going to art school
  I forgive him
  I forgive him
  Hell, I’ll admit it: I’m proud of him
 D                A                 G       
  Serena’s an architect and a carpenter
         D          A                       G
  She’s such a feminist she says she isn’t one

  Because Goddamn, my gender shouldn’t matter!
  D                     A                             G
  And her motorcycle glides through the streets of Providence
  Down to the warehouse district
             A                 G
  The paint job is as stunning as

  Her knowledge of medieval building techniques


D                     A                     Bm
  Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
              G                D  
  Keep on loving, keep on fighting
            A            Bm
  And hold on, and hold on
  Hold on for your life

D G  D G  D G  D G  D G

        D                             A      
  This one goes out to Georgios, he knows how to dance
  Abby Banks, your book is beautiful
  And fuck anyone who says otherwise
                          A                       G
  Scott, I love you and you make me glad to be alive
  I promise that I’m gonna pay you back
               A                      G
  You always know how funny everything is
                       D              A                    Bm 
  Even when I’m so serious that it’s gonna be the death of me
  Like the time 
D                   A                      G
  that our friend Chuck came over to our house
     D                   A                        G      
  He said he needed somebody to take care of his pets
  'Cause he was going out of town
D                 A                  Bm
  I asked him where and he said: New Mexico
  I asked if I could get a ride
D           A                            Bm
  He said: No, you don’t want to follow me
  Where it is I’m going
A                              G
  He backed out of the drive way
  That was the last time we saw him
A                                            G
  'Cause he drove straight to his parent’s cabin
              A              D
  And put a bullet in his head


D                     A                     Bm
  Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
              G                D  
  Keep on loving, keep on fighting
            A            Bm
  And hold on, and hold on
  Hold on for your life


D                     A                     Bm
  Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
              G                D  
  Keep on loving, keep on fighting
            A            Bm
  And hold on, and hold on
  Hold on for your life


D G  D G  D G  D G

D A G  D A G  D A G  D A G

D G A D  D G A D