Rampage (Aus)

Sinister at Sunrise

Rampage (Aus)

Fight! Die!
Horrow The Sow, Soldiers Of A Death Fortune
The Message Plays, Your Timed In Days
And Bollix The Ground Below

Ill! Kill!
Pave The Way, Some Of You May Reach The Nike
A Barren Waste, Dissensions Cased
Banish! The Western Plains

Your Fears' Ascending
Beware Its Rise
Fierceness Preponderates
No Penitence To Its Rise

Rise Until Dawn
Six Leagues In Hell
Banish The Plains

Your Fears Ascending
Beware Its Rise
Fierceness Preponderates
No Penitence To Its Rise . . . Sunrise!
Nothing Can Stand In Its Way
Nothing As Bright
Cursing Its Rise!
Death In Natures Own Way,
The Dawn!

Striking You Down All The More
Upon Disbelief
Die By The Sword!
Death In A Black Veil Of Mourn