Raio Laser Mágico

Wandelino City

Raio Laser Mágico

In the farm of uncle ben everything's cool
Your cousins petrick and charlene
Living in this place and dont give a fuck
Because they have a tobata

The bar's always open
And all of the city here as well
Wandelino didn't even tryed booze yet
But today he will meet the thing that will change your life

He drank all night long
He puked like a crazy dough
But we dont think that this is a bad thing
He met the cachaça
And now he is other man
At Wandelino city

Coming back to the farm
Walking totally legless
He did't saw the fucking hole
He drop here like a stone
In the fucking hole

The bar's always open
And all of the city here as well
Wandelino didn't even tryed booze yet
But today he will meet the thing that will change your life

He drank all night long
He puked like a crazy dough
But we dont think that this is a bad thing
He met the cachaça
At Wandelino City

Other city.......