Rise with me gaia For i am on thee enjoined Show me the absolution of our only god Blessed cyprides! Blessed aphrodite! Lo! grimed apollon At last hast thou set in river styx I with gaia rise to celebrate thou art gone A second one Shall rise A second sun Our sained child Gaia!? gaia!! Where hast thou gone? To invoke erinnyes To tear my pride from thy womb What hast thou done? Risen against me An equal to gods! Destroyed my son Why? I have spoken to my king And i have spoken to my neighbour They have cast me in exile To mend a broken promise made I have descended the pluto's trail To ask me back my child I've dived to neptune's hides To ask my for a godbegotten wife And they have answered me: "nay, thy pride was but your own mistake" And i wander, an exile Until i beget apollon's like And under the stars i let crushing silence overcome