I used to go ride down Mystery Road roll open my window turn off my radio hear voices on the wind melodies humming low and hymns wrote themselves like God only knows but tonight I opened my window the only sound that I heard was the silence of the stars flapping wings of a night bird and I realized it was a song that I knew I recognized the sound of me running from you I wonder why we want to try to travel alone come take a drive down Mystery Road there's two stories of life that contain all the facts one's told to your face, the other's told to your back which one to believe well that's all up to you also to decide which one will come true is it the one where love is the pounding of a drum a lone soldire on a hill an army of one is it the one where love is a peace between two a harmony Chorus I put my ear to the track I hear the rhythm of the rails hear the pounding of the hooves feel life on the trail I feel the rain on my face I hear the thunder's loud peal hear the bells of Trinity ringing out over the fields and I realized it was a song that I knew I recognized the sound of me running to you we harmonize, no compromise to live note by note come take a drive with me down Mystery Road Lyrics by Bob Walkenhorst © 1994 Bob Walkenhorst Music BMI