The eight of the seven plagues - scourge of today The eight of the seven plagues - cursing us all Endless war of good and evil Between believers and heathens Every story ha multiple sides Every coin has but two The eight of the seven plagues - scourge of today The eight of the seven plagues - cursing us all The irony of it all The winners write history We're supposed to learn from it But we never do Believe and you shall find Your search for peace of mind The lies that you are served Will only see you purged The quest for the light Will lead into the dark One second you are gone You'd think there was more to life The eight of the seven plagues - scourge of today The eight of the seven plagues - cursing us all When everyone is brainwashed Who are least in the wrong? The propaganda of it all The blatant lies The eight of the seven plagues - scourge of today The eight of the seven plagues - cursing us all Hypocritical masses The silent majority No-one dares to take a stand Do you accept to be led by the blind? It's time to doubt authority It's time to question what you hear Trust yourself, head helt high Being bold, running wild Use your eyes and you will see What history has yet to see That it's gods themselves That are the eight of the seven plagues