A coma of dying lies through deceit The ignorance of the fool has appeared When happiness Becomes a discrete solitude The sun will melt and erase all stars A glimpse of light and what once was An infinite shadow This hope will exclude A book never opened As the story remains The dust on its fingers Is mud in the rain The dust on its fingers Is mud in the rain All hail neglection A book never opened As the story remains The dust on its fingers Is mud in the rain The dust on its fingers Is mud in the rain Knives in the ribs And conscience of truth The sun will eventually glow within Burn, baby, burn An infidel dies Resurrection, no time for prelude A book never opened As the story remains The dust on its fingers Is mud in the rain The dust on its fingers Is mud in the rain All hail neglection As the story remains The dust on its fingers Is mud, mud in the rain Personal hate rant: A tide to drown the face The face of God and his angels A flood of sin and disbelief What will become? What will be unsaid? Who will return and ring the bell? What will become? What will be unsaid? Who will return and ring the bell? What will become? What will be unsaid? Who will return and ring the bell? Tight the noose around its neck Because better safe than sorry (Hahahaha) Sorry, fucker