Suspendatur per collum Turn death's darkest shades: All the colours of asphyxia; Thou art hanged, but thy seed is quick 0 Gallowsborn, unsoiled by light Bring the plague; Bring corpselights from the carcasscape Bring the plague Up from plague pits yawning wide Upon which a crossmoon shines Bring them that grim death designs Whose sex appeal can't be denied The twisted dead that have stained the soil Bring the plague Bring the grave to all who have eyes to see Bring the plague Worms come after hands like spiders That bring the plague To this place of putrescences Bring the plague As the gadarene swine leapt for thee Let their offspring roam the streets While mother proctor trades in seats With a better view of the triple tree Of ty burn Bring black coffins filled with rats Bring the plague From the gallows, through the corpse-gate Bring the plague Bring shadows to these ancient walls Bring the plague Let nothing stop thee, let no one stop thee Bring the plague For behind smiles to despise Lurks a traded in the eyes This is blasphemy made flesh With eyes as warm as a deathbed fuck